Grades 7-12.
Like to play chess? Want to get better? Drop by for Chess Club and play a couple of games. Bring your own board or use one of ours. Novices to chess masters are all welcome. No sign-up required.
This in-person series is a watch party for the weekly virtual component of the Foundations of Garden (FOG) class. Foundations of Gardening is a comprehensive 10-week online MSU Extension course.
All About Seed Starting: Giving Your Garden a Head Start
Starting your garden from seeds is a great way to get a jump start on the growing season, save money, and try unique varieties of plants. Learn the basics of starting seeds indoors, caring for your seedlings, transplanting, and more.
In The Lost Year by Katherine Marsh, Matthew finds a tattered black-and-white photo in his great-grandmother’s belongings, a clue to a hidden chapter of her past, one that will lead to a life-shattering family secret.